Mind-Body Therapy


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Mind-Body Therapy or Mind-Body Healing, is a free app for all people who care about their mind and body health and healing, want to explore the information and use the services of mind-body medicine, mind-body health practices, and receive the treatment of Mind-Body Therapy - All-In-One Energy Therapy (AET) & Brainwave-Meridian Therapy (BMT) conducted by Dr. Jason Liu, MD/PhD, at the Mind-Body Science Institute, California, USA. The Mind-Body Therapy addresses most of chronic health problems mentally and physically, including depression, anxiety, chronic pain, stress, insomnia, fatigue, loneliness, relationship problem, communication difficulty, back pain, faster aging, female issues, male issues, and other undetectable mental and physical problems. The app allows you to easily contact the doctor, submit your health problems that you concern, ask questions, purchase sessions and book appointments to get help from the doctor, no matter where you are within the united states or anywhere over the world. The service is available onsite and online nationwide and worldwide in English, Japanese and Chinese (mandarin), at www.imbsi.com and 626-588-7815.
About Dr. Jason Liu, MD/PhD:Over 20 years experiencing Certified Alternative Medicine doctor, drugless practitioner, clinical hypnotherapist, eastern energy healing master (Qigong), inventor of All-In-One Energy Therapy & Brainwave-Meridian Therapy, composer of energy healing music & brainwave sounds, neuron-muscular scientist, author of Mind-Body-Spirit Medicine & Healthology. Dr. Liu sees patients at his South CA clinic Mon~Sat by appointment (free parking provided). He also providers telephone and online healing sessions nationwide and worldwide.